If you are a Commercial Drivers License Holder and have received a citation, the implications of a commercial violation on your driving record could seriously jeopardize your livelihood. Many employers check the driving records of their operators to when applying for insurance and will even terminate those employees whose driving records would result in increased insurance premiums. Moreover, your personal insurance premiums could suffer and in some cases, you may even lose your privilege to operate a commercial vehicle.
A common misconception that you many have is that if you receive a citation within Pennsylvania or New Jersey, that it will not impact your driving record if you are from outside of these states. Unfortunately, nothing is farther from the truth. In reality, many citations issued within Pennsylvania or New Jersey many not carry any implications within the state; however, many transfer to your state as a “points bearing citation.” Unknowingly pleading guilty to these citations or paying them in full prior to consulting an experienced commercial traffic ticket attorney is a mistake that you can easily avoid by contacting our office for a free initial consultation.
We can help you with any and all of the following alleged violations:
- False log book/ inaccurate log book
- Log not current
- Over hours violations
- Unsafe equipment
- Medical card
- Driving while out of service
- Non-English speaking driver
- Criminal overweight
- Criminal speed
- Fatigued driver
- Possession of alcohol in a commercial vehicle
- Open container
- Reckless driving
- DUI in a commercial vehicle
- Speeding
- Overweight violations (Chapter 49 of the Vehicle Code)
- Following too close
- Failure to stop or yield
- Improper lane change
- Registration and licensing citations
- All types of moving violations